Active in 2012!

I decided to write down my goals for 2012 when it comes to trying new things and challenging my body. Here’s what I came up with:

1. Run a few 5K marathons
2. Try CrossFit
3. Indoor rockclimbing
4. Run a 10k marathon
5. Outdoor rock climbing
6. Boxing training
7. Compete in a triathlon
8. Do an unsupported headstand/handstand
9. Climb a rope
10. Long distance cycling for a charity

These are not listed in any particular order. Also, I’m starting low with a 5k simply because I am not the best runner so I need to work up from there. And with climbing a rope, my upper body strength is not my strongest ability so I know it will be challenging.

And that’s it! 10 things I want to cross off my list to get active in 2012! What are your fitness goals for this year???

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