Top 25 Natural Appetite Suppressants

Found an awesome article on Shape about 25 foods to help you stay full longer. Here's a condensed version of the list, and for the full article click here

1. Almonds
2. Coffee
3. Ginger
4. Avocado
5. Cayenne Pepper
6. Apples
7. Eggs
8. Water
9. Sweet Potatoes
10. Umeboshi Plums
11. Vegetable Soup
12. Dark Chocolate
13. Tofu14. Wasabi
15. Green Tea
16. Oatmeal
17. Vegetable Juice
18. Green Leafy Vegetables
19. Salmon
20. Cinnamon
21. Skim Milk
22. Hot Sauce
23. Flax Seeds
24. Salad
25. Whey Protein

Happy Shopping!!

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